January 26, 2020
Acts 16:1-12
If you are familiar with the old westerns, you probably remember seeing the self-defense approach or strategy the pioneers used called, “Circling the wagons.” They would form their wagon train into a circle so that the people could camp inside and keep Indians and wild animals out. Today, some people see the church as a circle of wagons, protecting them from the world around them. That was not Jesus’ intention for the church. He taught His disciples to reach out to those on the outside. In case you didn’t know it, the church is not here to keep people safe from the world; the church is here to change the world. We’re not here to hide from the world; we’re here to offer hope to the world. That was the major focus of Paul’s ministry. No other person, with the exception of Jesus Himself, shaped the history of Christianity like the apostle Paul. Before his conversion, little had been done to take the gospel to non-Jews. But after Paul was saved on the road to Damascus, he dedicated his life to taking the gospel throughout the Roman Empire, which included three missionary journeys. In Acts chapter 16, Paul was just beginning his second missionary journey. The purpose was to visit the churches that had been established on his first campaign. After revisiting these churches, Paul had a vision for greater outreach. He wanted to take the Gospel into new territory. It’s great to have a vision; it’s great to want to see Kingdom expansion, and it’s great to be a part of helping to change lives; but this passage gives us insight into what Spirit-led ministry looks like. One of the first things that jumps out in the text is this:
The Holy Spirit will supply the workers that are needed. Before Paul could begin this second mission trip, he had already lost two members of his team. Barnabas and John Mark had gone in a different direction. When it comes to ministry, we cannot accomplish all that God has given us to do without people to help us. And for ministry to be successful, we need the right people. Paul replaced Barnabas with Silas, and when they arrived in Lystra, The Holy Spirit guided Paul to a young believer by the name of Timothy. Timothy had probably gotten saved during Paul’s first visit to Lystra. Now look at what it says in verses 2 and 3: “Timothy was well thought of by the believers in Lystra and Iconium, so Paul wanted him to join them on their journey.” We don’t know much about Timothy’s skills, talents or education. What we do know is that he had proven himself to be faithful to the Lord. The Lord is not concerned about your abilities—He’ll take care of that; but what He looks at is your faithfulness. Paul invested in Timothy, and trained Timothy to invest in others, so that more and more people would be equipped to do ministry. We see in verse 5 that with the right team in place, the church was strengthened spiritually and continued to grow.
The Holy Spirit will direct us to the right opportunities for ministry. After visiting the churches he had founded, Paul did not wait for directions from God on where he was to go next. He went to the most logical place. He went to where he thought there would be an opportunity. But verses 6-8 tell us that when Paul tried to enter the province of Asia, the Holy Spirit stopped him. And then when he tried to go north into Bithynia, the Spirit closed the door again. God will sometimes open doors, and then sometimes He will close doors. He will open and close doors to direct us to what His will is. You may have things all planned out. You are going this way. You’re convinced that God’s will is this way. And then you get a phone call that changes the course of your life. Your boss tells you that they’re downsizing, and your job has been eliminated. The Holy Spirit stopped Paul, because God had something else for him to do. And what we see is that Paul was in tune with God, and dependent on His leading. Spirit-led ministry is sensitive to the Spirit’s leading, ready to change plans or direction at the Spirit’s instructions.
We have to be ready to act when we are called to our tasks. The Lord can use a variety of means to reveal to us the tasks He’s calling us to. In this case, we’re told that Paul had a vision of a man from Macedonia, who was begging him, “Come over to Macedonia and help us, (v.9).” This vision convinced them that God wanted them to go to Macedonia and preach Jesus. So, what did they do? They got on a ship and headed for Macedonia. They acted on the revelation they received. Once you have determined the will of God, what’s your next step? Your next step is to do it! Once His instructions are clear, we don’t need to sit around and talk anymore. It’s time to get up and get busy! When we get busy with Spirit-led ministry, great things will happen! The Lord will open doors for us! The Lord opened a door for Paul in Macedonia and many souls were saved. It started with a woman named Lydia and her household; next it was a demon-possessed slave girl; and then it was the jailer who was guarding Paul and Silas, and his family.
You ought to want to see people saved!
No, we can’t reach everybody, but we can reach somebody!
The Lord has need of workers to till His fields today, so kindly He has led me to walk in wisdom’s way; I pray for grace to help me with all my heart to say, O blessed Savior count on me!
Can He count on you today?