January 19, 2020
Ephesians 4:3-12
When it comes to believers, unity or oneness, is being on the same page spiritually.
Before coming to chapter 4 of Ephesians, Paul has explained to his readers about God’s
great mystery and plan for His church, and he has prayed a powerful prayer that they
might know all of Christ’ love and all of His blessings. In chapter 4, Paul deals
extensively with the call for unity among believers. Many of the challenges that churches
were confronted with in Paul’s day are not very different from the challenges of the
church today. One of the major problems that the early church had to deal with was the
problem of disunity. Sadly, disunity—divisiveness—disharmony are clearly problems
that continue to hinder our ability as the body of Christ to show the world who Jesus truly
is. Today’s text offers several insights with regards to oneness. First:
- Our lives ought to communicate the conviction that the Body of Christ is one (verses
1-6). - Every believer is gifted in their own way to serve this one body (verses 6-7).
- The expected outcome of our unity is spiritual development (verses11-13).